This upd8 had more comparison shots for us to go over!
They are both from the [S] page Jade: Wake up.
Interestingly enough dave is taking off his glasses while Drew does the opposite
Here i have reversed the Dave
During the sound page Drew: Strife! There is an easter egg to be found.
The way you find it is:
First- notice the banner which appears at the top of the screen. After around a minute and a half it should appear for a couple of second aa->zd
Two- Based on this, you have to enter the flash itself and, without selecting any moves you have to do the inputs on your keyboard:
A key
A key
Right arrow key
Z key
D key
3- Enjoy the great animation :D!!!
You can do this input 3 times for an even more secret GAME OVER screen where drew tinker FUCKING DIES
Doomed timeline or some shit probably
One of the requirements for prototyping is one death to be a part of it.
"The game has no explicit rule that demands something dead for prototyping. But in practice, the kernelsprite has particular attraction to the deceased or the doomed. Across every session ever played, exceptions to this pattern are extremely rare." -page 2089
With that being said, the dead Melp seems like a good choice for prototyping, especially with the lack of anything else dead around, while the other sprite will probably be steeltoe.
Additionally I feel its likely that we will see the same pattern as last time where the steeltoe is prototyped pre-medium-entry and then the melp would be post medium entry.
This would also lead to the rings and staves gaining powers which are all ram-related so that'd be neat.
These are very interesting lines that repeat a lot of the same themes that appeared in the first
long day text. The cycle of life and death, the frigidness of the season.
There's a word of importance which sticks out to me,
"Inevitable". There's a connection here to the aspect of Time, which Drew Tinker
is bound too. Time which isnt just about inevitability but also repetition, which is also mentioned with this line "cycling again, and again, and again."
The cold specifically is of note considering a topic which i have mentioned before, the heat of aspects, to avoid a long winded summary about aspects and temperature, within the logic of homestuck time is hot, space is cold. Thus it is interesting that here the entropy is frigid.
Interestingly not only is there an opposite in terms of heat, but Drew also seems to hate the entropy itself. Something that we see inversed from Dave Strider and Aradia Megido (the time players of Homestuck) who respectively like paleontology and archeology, both liking that which is dead and decayed.
This all to say, Prince of time, maybe i should stop saying that i'm not going to change it this time, siiiiiiiiiiiigh.
While I still largely agree with what I said back in the previous CHAIN segment, I would like to add that i forgot to account for the possibility that humans and trolls could connect to each other.
For now I will say that the order that the humans are in is correct but if Drew TInker or CC needs to connect to a troll I wouldn't be that shocked. With that being said....
This sudden notification seems very likely to be from CC. While it is hard to tell due to the low resolution, the notification does seem to be a plug, which fits fairly well for something that Cold would pick for the kidsona symbol.
However there is a certain doubt i have towards this idea. Namely the fact that the previous 3 pages were to establish how each of the humans ( besides Izzy) were currently unavailable, so it'd be at least fairly odd.
There are two main things that go against the idea that its a troll however, namely the specific text we get "You might not be in it when it happens though, because someone is pestering you.", note the word pestering likely meaning its from a human if all of homestucks chatlogs are anything to go by, additionally that plug-like symbol is indeed a symbol, not a star sign like we see in all of homestuck and VT.
You could take this to mean that it being any of the trolls is incorrect. But firstly, the rule about the star sign could simply be different just for the sake of flavour, they do not have to stick to every rule that homestuck/hiveswap seems to imply. And as for the word usage they could have simply forgotten or not have wanted to give it away.
If it is a troll and not just CC, do I have any guesses to who it'd be? Well it can't be VT since we've already seen the symbol ourselves. So it'd have to be one of the other trolls we havent seen anything about. For the sake of the callback to the first RAMbles written, it is aridai.