Windows, ACDSSTUCK and the players

This isn't going to be that long of text, the reason this is going to be a google document is due to the images !

Okay so first of all we need a bit of background understanding on homestuck. In homestuck a cute little detail Andrew decided to implement was that the windows of the players would actually equate to the size their sessions would end up occupying. So for the earth kids their windows had 4 panels:

Meanwhile in Alternia where they had a session with 12 players, there windows were also in the 12 pane style:

This is something that applies additionally to the symbols of each players respective game:

( Wundra's notes, i'm not sure if it's worthy of interest but it could be seen as noticeable that each logo seems to have a single detached square.)

What's weird about this entire setup is that quite simply IT BARELY MAKES ANY SENSE !!! okay so.

First of all let's look at ACDS alternia's version of windows:

They are clearly designed with a 6 panel structure ! This would likely indicate that the alternian players would consist of 6 trolls!! Now let's look at the earth one.

OKAY SO WHAT HUH ?!?!?!?!?!? 

Firstly in Izzy Pendles room the window has 12 panels ( 9 main ones and then 3 on top) but *then* when it looks outside the house at the ending, the windows that show up are a combination of 4 and 2???????



Well. this version of the logo has 12 squares ( coinciding with the izzy pendles mirror, of if you want to be silly about it the 6( alternia) and the outside izzy's house 4+2 making 12 ( 6+4+2) but uh what does that even mean??? Why would they be split like that??? And additionally !! We as of now have multiple signs pointing towards the human players having a chain 5 amount!!

This 12 player total for the series is a pretty good assumption overall. Not only does it appear as the box amount ( and izzy window) but it's also the total amount of people credited!! 12.

Anyways as for the chain 5 evidence the main one is the direction arrow. In homestuck it was a representation of the logo itself with each - representing a cube and thus representing a player.

Although there is always the option of it just lying to us??? Seems like the thing you'd do if you wanted to pull a twist on us !!

Either way, there's something going on considering the RAM logo has 12 boxes and the arrow has 5 slots.

I'll add to this document if I end up having more semi-deranged thoughts. But for now let's come to some sort of deranged conclusion, shall we ;D

Oh also before i forget, I don't have a fucking clue what the extra squares mean in the ram logo, yk the tiny ones? There's usually only one of them per logo? Now there's like 5 of them !!! no clue what this means for now.


THERE IS A 6TH HUMAN PLAYER WE DON'T KNOW ABOUT AND IT'S aridai OF TIMEWATCHER TUNES FAME. My conclusion for this is quite simple, although I do feel the need to mention that it's also possible that soda could be the 6th secret human.

First let's see the humans that we already have though :D!

Of course we have doctorateCustard ( NO FREAKING WAY !!! )

But additionally to that we have:

timelessTinkerer ( obviously timeless)

spectralGravity ( obviously SpecteralVolcarona)

cryogenicCaffeine ( ColdCalzone)

windingedBride ( obviously Mooks ) 

And that's a really interesting thing because! It seems like they're in the exact order they appear to be in for the credits.

And this means that if we believe in 6th human theory, the 6th human will be aridai!! Go subscribe to timewatchertunes

Thank you for reading this extremely wrong analysis of this awesome project !!